因為之後的幾個週末 週週是Black Friday
就是"Sold Out"的字樣這次可就是玩真的啦
(就是說熊小小前週也看到了 嗚嗚><)
因為東西都出清完了 明年可就直接上新貨啦
Here are some shopping tips for this holiday season:
If you see something you have to have, get it. Chances are it won't be there later for cheaper.
真的 好東西人人想要 出手要快 -
Make a list. Stick to it. Retailers use big sales on items like TVs as a "loss leader," meaning they'll get you in the store and hope you'll buy more than what you planned.
這點也同意 我們這邊的Best Buy每次都有會員限制的特賣會 還可以抽gift card 結果去了3次 雖然抽到一次 但是也有因為去逛就亂買東西過 -
Don't count on fire sales. "There won't be any amazing deals except for door busters this year," says NPD's Cohen.
這個就不知道了 還是一樣 好的價錢是有 要買的到的才有用
Be prepared to see "out of stock" on many items.
哭哭~ -
Plan on shopping more. Tight inventories mean you'll have to look around at different stores for that perfect gift.
是說買東西還是要計畫好 有個先後順序比較好 -
Don't wait till after Christmas for a better deal. "If you can't find much now you'll find even less after Christmas," says ICSC's Niemira.
哈哈 就是這一句話 讓人有廠商說話的感覺啦